Category Archives: Docker

Docker is a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization, also known as “containerization”.

Kubernetes: monitoring with Prometheus – exporters, a Service Discovery, and its roles

26 April 2020

 The next task with our Kubernetes cluster is to set up its monitoring with Prometheus. This task is complicated by the fact, that there is the whole bunch of resources needs to be monitored: from the infrastructure side – ЕС2 WokerNodes instances, their CPU, memory, network, disks, etc key services of Kubernetes itself – its… Read More »

AWS: eksctl – “Put net/http: request canceled”

26 April 2020

 We have a Docker image with the eksctl tool included. We also have an ЕС2 with Linux with the eksctl. There is an AWS IAM Instance Profile attached to this EC2 with the AdminAccess policy assigned. On this ЕС2 we have Jenkins running in a Docker container, and it spawns its jobs inside in additional… Read More »

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 1 – CloudFormation

24 April 2020

 The task is: create automation to roll out an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster from scratch. Will use: Ansible: to automate CloudFormation stack creation and to execute eksctl with necessary parameters CloudFormation with NestedStacks: to create an infrastructure – VPC, subnets, SecurityGroups, IAM-roles, etc eksctl: to create a cluster itself using resources created by CloudFormation… Read More »

Linux: PHP-FPM, Docker, STDOUT and STDERR – no an application’s error logs

24 February 2020

 We have a Docker image with NGINX, PHP-FPM, and Supervisor. In the same image, we have our PHP application included, which outputs its errors to the /dev/stderr as per its php.ini file: … [global] error_log=/dev/stderr … The problem is, that if run kubectl logs –  there will be no error output from the application. So,… Read More »

Debian: php7.3-curl : Depends: libcurl3 (>= 7.44.0) but it is not installable

23 January 2020

 We have a Jenkins job that runs a Docker container to build a PHP-application based on the Yii framework. Suddenly during the build, we got an error: … Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required… Read More »

Nextcloud: running in Docker Compose on Debian with Let’s Encrypt SSL

30 November 2019

 I while ago I’d tested the Nextcloud, see the NextCloud: installing server on Debian behind NGINX with PHP-FPM and client on Arch Linux post. In general, it looks good, so it’s time to try to run in a production environment and finally migrate from Dropbox to it. Today, let’s spin up a Nextcloud instance using… Read More »

Jenkins: Docker Compose deployment from Ansible with ECR authentication

26 September 2019

 In addition to the AWS: create an Elastic Container Registry and Jenkins deploy job post – the next part, where we will create a new Jenkins job to deploy a Docker Compose file to run our Docker image. Docker Compose file will be updated by an Ansible role called docker-deploy, which will set the desired… Read More »

AWS: create an Elastic Container Registry and Jenkins deploy job

23 September 2019

 The task is to create an AWS ECR repository and add a Jenkins job to build and deploy Docker images to this repository. See the next part – Jenkins: Docker Compose deployment from Ansible with ECR authentication. AWS ECR Go to the ECR, click Get Started, set a new repository name: Lave Mutable, so you’ll be… Read More »

Docker: Compose shared networks

20 August 2019

 We have a Docker Compose stack with Jenkins, SonarQube, and PostgresSQL, check the SonarQube: running tests from Jenkins Pipeline in Docker post. The problem is that they are described in the same Docker Compose file and are restarted by the same systemd file (check the Linux: systemd сервис для Docker Compose post, Rus) Thus, if… Read More »

Kubernetes: part 3 – AWS EKS overview and manual EKS cluster set up

15 August 2019

 Let’s proceed with our Kubernetes journey. Previous parts: Kubernetes: part 1 – architecture and main components overview Kubernetes: part 2 – a cluster set up on AWS with AWS cloud-provider and AWS LoadBalancer In this part we will start working with AWS Elastic Kuberneters Service (EKS) – its short overview, then will create Kubernetes Control… Read More »