In addition to the AWS: create an Elastic Container Registry and Jenkins deploy job post – the next part, where we will create a new Jenkins job to deploy a Docker Compose file to run our Docker image.
Docker Compose file will be updated by an Ansible role called docker-deploy, which will set the desired TAG, will copy this file to the host and will start a systemd-service.
To make this deployment works – need to create an authentification for the Docker daemon on the host – let’s use amazon-ecr-credential-helper for this.
First, let’s run it manually.
As there is no existing package dor Debian OS – create a bash-script which will trigger amazon-ecr-credential-helper via docker
#!/usr/bin/env bash SECRET=$(docker run --rm -e METHOD=$1 -e REGISTRY=$(cat -) -v $HOME/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials pottava/amazon-ecr-credential-helper) echo $SECRET | grep Secret
Set executable permissions:
root@bttrm-dev-console:/home/admin# chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-credential-ecr-login
Create an AWS profile so AWS CLI will create the ~/.aws/credentials
file which will be used by the amazon-ecr-credential-helper:
root@bttrm-dev-console:/home/admin# aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKI***6EZ AWS Secret Access Key [None]: PpN***GNr Default region name [None]: us-east-2 Default output format [None]: json
Update the ~/.docker/config.json
{ "credHelpers": { "534***": "ecr-login" } }
Here we set authentification for the 534*** repository by using the ecr-login
Pull the image:
root@bttrm-dev-console:/home/admin# docker pull pottava/amazon-ecr-credential-helper Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from pottava/amazon-ecr-credential-helper ... Status: Downloaded newer image for pottava/amazon-ecr-credential-helper:latest
And try to run some docker pull
for this ECR repository:
root@bttrm-dev-console:/home/admin# docker pull 534*** Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from bttrm-receipt-consumer Digest: sha256:3bb7cebd34d7642b10fe44ad8ab375e5fd772fc82b4f6fa997c59833445fdef5 Status: Image is up to date for 534***
Okay – it works.
Now need to do the same with Ansible.
Ansible deploy role
Create the Docker config template – roles/deploy-docker/templates/config.json.j2
{ "credHelpers": { "{{ bttrm_queue_consumer_repo }}": "ecr-login" } }
AWS CLI authentication file – roles/deploy-docker/templates/aws-credentials.j2
[default] aws_access_key_id = {{ bttrm_queue_consumer_login }} aws_secret_access_key = {{ bttrm_queue_consumer_pass }}
Add variables in the group_vars/mobilebackend-dev.yml
... bttrm_queue_consumer_repo: "534***" bttrm_queue_consumer_image: "bttrm-receipt-consumer" bttrm_queue_consumer_login: "AKI***6EZ" bttrm_queue_consumer_pass: "PpN***GNr" ...
Create the bash-script template – roles/deploy-docker/templates/docker-credential-ecr-login-sh.j2
#!/usr/bin/env bash SECRET=$(docker run --rm -e METHOD=$1 -e REGISTRY=$(cat -) -v $HOME/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials pottava/amazon-ecr-credential-helper) echo $SECRET | grep Secret
And a template for the Docker Compose file which will start the container – roles/deploy-docker/templates/bttrm-queue-consumer-compose.yml.j2
version: '3.5' services: receipts: container_name: bttrm-queue-consumer-{{ backend_project_name }} image: {{ bttrm_queue_consumer_repo}}/{{ bttrm_queue_consumer_image}}:{{ bttrm_queue_consumer_tag }} environment: - APPLICATION_ENV={{ env }} ...
in thus Compose file Ansible will set the desired TAG taken from the Jenkins job’s parameters with the default value “latest“:
Create a systemd-unit file for the service – roles/deploy-docker/templates/bttrm-queue-consumer-systemd.yml.j2
[Unit] Description=bttrm-queue-consumer client Requires=docker.service After=docker.service [Service] Restart=always WorkingDirectory={{ bttrm_queue_consumer_home }} # Compose up ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f bttrm-queue-consumer-compose.yml up # Compose down, remove containers and volumes ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f bttrm-queue-consumer-compose.yml down -v [Install]
In the roles/deploy-docker/tasks/main.yml
add files copy and service start tasks:
- name: "Copy Docker config" template: src: "templates/config.json.j2" dest: "/root/.docker/config.json" when: "'console' in inventory_hostname" - name: "Copy AWS CLI credentials config" template: src: "templates/aws-credentials.j2" dest: "/root/.aws/credentials" when: "'console' in inventory_hostname" - name: "Copy Docker ECR credentials script" template: src: "templates/docker-credential-ecr-login-sh.j2" dest: "/usr/bin/docker-credential-ecr-login" when: "'console' in inventory_hostname" - name: "Set Docker ECR credentials script executable" file: path: "/usr/bin/docker-credential-ecr-login" mode: 0755 when: "'console' in inventory_hostname" - name: "Create bttrm-queue-consumer home" file: path: "{{ bttrm_queue_consumer_home }}" state: directory mode: 0775 recurse: yes when: "'console' in inventory_hostname" - name: "Copy bttrm-queue-consumer Compose file" template: src: "templates/bttrm-queue-consumer-compose.yml.j2" dest: "{{ bttrm_queue_consumer_home }}/bttrm-queue-consumer-compose.yml" when: "'console' in inventory_hostname" - name: "Copy bttrm-queue-consumer systemd file" template: src: "templates/bttrm-queue-consumer-systemd.yml.j2" dest: "/etc/systemd/system/bttrm-queue-consumer.service" when: "'console' in inventory_hostname" - name: "Start bttrm-queue-consumer service" service: name: "bttrm-queue-consumer" state: restarted enabled: yes daemon_reload: yes when: "'console' in inventory_hostname"
Jenkins job
Create a Jenkins Pipeline job with the function ansibleApply()
... def ansibleApply(app_rsa_id='1', bastion_rsa_id='2', tags='3', limit='4', playbookFile='5', passfile_id='6', connection='7') { docker.image('projectname/projectname-ansible:1.1').inside('-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock') { stage('Ansible apply') { withCredentials([ file(credentialsId: "${app_rsa_id}", variable: 'app_rsa'), file(credentialsId: "${passfile_id}", variable: 'passfile'), file(credentialsId: "${bastion_rsa_id}", variable: 'bastion_rsa') ]) { sh "ansible-playbook --private-key ${bastion_rsa} --tags ${tags} --limit=${limit} ${playbookFile} --vault-password-file ${passfile} --extra-vars \ \"ansible_connection=${connection} \ app_rsa_pem_key=${app_rsa} \ bastion_rsa_pem_key=${bastion_rsa}\"" } } } } ...
Which will be called from the Jenkinsfile
node { ... // infra for CloudFormation // from Jenkins job's parameters TAGS = "${env.TAGS}" // limit for hosts.ini LIMIT = "${env.LIMIT}" // playbook to run, e.g. mobilebackend.yml PLAYBOOK = "${env.PLAYBOOK}" // file with ansible vault password // to be used in ansibleApply()'s withCredentials() PASSFILE_ID = "${env.PASSFILE_ID}" provision.ansibleRolesInstall() provision.ansbileSyntaxCheck("${LIMIT}", "${PLAYBOOK}") ... // ansibleApply(rsa_id='1', tags='2', limit='3', playbookFile='4', passfile_id='5', connection='6') provision.ansibleApply( "${APP_RSA_ID}", "${BASTION_RSA_ID}", "${TAGS}", "${LIMIT}", "${PLAYBOOK}", "${PASSFILE_ID}", "${CONN}") } } ///
Here we are passing the deploy-docker tag from the Jenkins job’s parameters to the Ansible playbook:
And by this tag – Ansible will close the role to apply – tags: deploy-docker
... - role: deploy-docker tags: deploy-docker backend_project_name: "{{ lookup('env','APP_PROJECT_NAME') }}" bttrm_queue_consumer_tag: "{{ lookup('env','BTTRM_QUEUE_CONSUMER_TAG') }}" when: "'backend-bastion' not in inventory_hostname"
And during that will update Docker Compose file with the bttrm_queue_consumer_tag value.
Deploy, check:
root@bttrm-stage-console:/opt/bttrm-queue-consumer# systemctl status bttrm-queue-consumer ● bttrm-queue-consumer.service - bttrm-queue-consumer client Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/bttrm-queue-consumer.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) ... Sep 26 16:06:23 bttrm-stage-console docker-compose[21251]: bttrm-queue-consumer-projectname-me-v3 | time="2019-09-26T13:06:23Z" level=info msg="Connecting as projectname_me_v3 to" Sep 26 16:06:23 bttrm-stage-console docker-compose[21251]: bttrm-queue-consumer-projectname-me-v3 | time="2019-09-26T13:06:23Z" level=info msg="Declaring Queue (itunes-receipts)" Sep 26 16:06:23 bttrm-stage-console docker-compose[21251]: bttrm-queue-consumer-projectname-me-v3 | time="2019-09-26T13:06:23Z" level=info msg="Waiting for queue messages..."