Tag Archives: Jenkins

Git: scan repositories for secrets using Gitleaks

16 August 2021

 A confidential data leak such as RDS keys or passwords to a Git repository, even if it is a private Github repository, is a very bad thing and it’s good to check your repositories to know if any developer pushed a commit with such data. Scanning utilities To check Git repositories for a leak, at… Read More »

ArgoCD: declarative Projects, Applications, and ArgoCD deploy from Jenkins

19 May 2021

 An application, cluster, or repository can be created In ArgoCD from its WebUI, CLI, or by writing a Kubernetes manifest that then can be passed to kubectl to create resources. For example, Applications are Kubernetes CustomResources and described in Kubernetes CRD applications.argoproj.io: [simterm] $ kubectl get crd applications.argoproj.io NAME CREATED AT applications.argoproj.io 2020-11-27T15:55:29Z [/simterm] And… Read More »

Jenkins: running workers in Kubernetes and Docker images build

27 February 2021

 We have a Jenkins instance that is running jobs in Docker containers on its host. Eventually, we’ve faced with an issue when the current AWS Ec2 instance t2.2xlarge (8 CPU, 32 RAM) during peak workload periods was too overloaded – not enough CPU time, not enough memory. So, the first solution could be to proceed… Read More »

Jenkins: Redis deployment, and Helm subchart values

1 November 2020

 The task is to create a Jenkins job to deploy Redis to Dev/Stage/Prod Kubernetes clusters. In the Redis: running Master-Slave replication in Kubernetes we did it manually to see how it’s working, now it’s time to automate it. The main question is how to pass parameters for different environments during the deployment? I’d like to… Read More »

Helm: helm-secrets – sensitive data encryption with AWS KMS and use it with Jenkins

16 May 2020

 So, as a follow-up to the Helm: Kubernetes package manager – an overview, getting started post – let’s discuss about sensitive data in our Helm charts. What I want is to store a chart files in a repository, but even if such a repo will be a private Github repo – I still don’t want… Read More »

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 2 – Ansible, eksctl

1 May 2020

 The first part – AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 1 – CloudFormation. To remind the whole idea is to create an automation process to create an EKS cluster: Ansible uses the cloudformation module to create an infrastructure by using an Outputs of the CloudFormation stack created – Ansible from a template will… Read More »

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 1 – CloudFormation

24 April 2020

 The task is: create automation to roll out an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster from scratch. Will use: Ansible: to automate CloudFormation stack creation and to execute eksctl with necessary parameters CloudFormation with NestedStacks: to create an infrastructure – VPC, subnets, SecurityGroups, IAM-roles, etc eksctl: to create a cluster itself using resources created by CloudFormation… Read More »

What is: SAML – an overview, its structure and requests tracing between a Jenkins and Okta SSO

17 November 2019

 During the SAML SSO configuration for our Jenkins, I faced an issue, when some attributes weren’t passed from Okta to the Jenkins instance. So in this post will try to figure out what is SAML in general, will take a short overview of its architecture and main components, and will make some SAML-requests tracing/sniffing to… Read More »

Jenkins: SAML Authentication with Okta SSO and users groups

11 October 2019

 SAML – Secure Assertion Markup Language is used for federated authentication when some service which we need to get access to (a Service Provider), asks another service (an Identity Provider) to perform a user’s authentification. Check the documentation here>>>. Service Provider (SP): is a system where need to authenticate, in our case this will be Jenkins… Read More »