Category Archives: AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation provides a common language for you to describe and provision all the infrastructure resources in your cloud environment. CloudFormation allows you to use a simple text file to model and provision, in an automated and secure manner, all the resources needed for your applications across all regions and accounts. This file serves as the single source of truth for your cloud environment.

AWS: CloudFormation – using Conditions, Fn::Equals, and Fn::If – an example

17 May 2020

 I have a CloudFormation stack with VPC Peerings, in that case, it’s a peering between VPC of a new Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster and VPC of the Prometheus monitoring stack. The EKS cluster’s stack and its whole automation creation were described in the AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 1 – CloudFormation… Read More »

AWS: CloudFormation – using lists in Parameters

8 May 2020

 In addition to the AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 1 – CloudFormation and AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 2 – Ansible, eksctl posts – now I’d like to pass a Parameter as a List with multiply values to a CloudForamtion stack. The idea is to get all… Read More »

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 2 – Ansible, eksctl

1 May 2020

 The first part – AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 1 – CloudFormation. To remind the whole idea is to create an automation process to create an EKS cluster: Ansible uses the cloudformation module to create an infrastructure by using an Outputs of the CloudFormation stack created – Ansible from a template will… Read More »

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 1 – CloudFormation

24 April 2020

 The task is: create automation to roll out an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster from scratch. Will use: Ansible: to automate CloudFormation stack creation and to execute eksctl with necessary parameters CloudFormation with NestedStacks: to create an infrastructure – VPC, subnets, SecurityGroups, IAM-roles, etc eksctl: to create a cluster itself using resources created by CloudFormation… Read More »