My name is Arseny, I’m from Ukraine and this is my personal blog about everything about operating systems, clouds, IT in general and about everything I faced with during my working and personal experience.
This blog initially was started as a personal “notebook” for myself but since the 2011 year here gathered a lot enough useful information for others.
Some posts were written as short notes, some – as a step-by-step instruction with detailed (or not) explanations, some are translations (English => Russian) from other blogs or manuals.
Although my English isn’t perfect – I’m trying to improve it. Anyway if you see any grammar mistakes/misprints etc – please, select them with mouse and press Ctrl+Enter to send me a notification to correct it.
Main categories description:
- HOWTO’s: manuals and short notes about various services installation and configuration
As this blog was started in Russian – most posts still available in Russian only (All (1,633) | Published (1,380) | Drafts (242) | Private (11) | Trash (12) at this moment) but I’m trying to translate them one-by-one and will try to post new posts in both Russian and English.
In any case – you can find Russian version here>>>.
Some scripts and templates can be found in my Github repositories but I didn’t update them too often.
There is also the @rtfm Telegram channel and @rtfm chat where you can get blog’s updates or ask something.
P.S. And the Main thing to notice: do not believe in what you are reading and always try to find confirmation or refutation about given information. “Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V” are not your best friends and 100500 tabs in your browser with search results on the same topic always will be better then do something basing on information from the only one source.
A blog is a blog – it’s written by the only one person and it doesn’t check by somebody else.
If you have any questions – please, feel free to use the Contact form below.