The first part – AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 1 – CloudFormation.
To remind the whole idea is to create an automation process to create an EKS cluster:
- Ansible uses the cloudformation module to create an infrastructure
- by using an Outputs of the CloudFormation stack created – Ansible from a template will generate a cluster-config file for the
- Ansible calls
with that config-file to create an EKS cluster
All this will be done from a Jenkins job using a Docker image with AWS CLI, Ansible and eksctl
. Maybe it will be the third part of this series.
All the resulted files after writing this post are available in the eksctl-cf-ansible Github repository. The link here is to the branch with an exact copy of the code below.
AWS Authentification
It worth thinking about authentification beforehand to not remodel everything from scratch (I did).
Also, it’s highly recommended to read the Kubernetes: part 4 – AWS EKS authentification, aws-iam-authenticator, and AWS IAM post as in this current post will be used a lot of things described there.
So, we need to have some AWS authentification mechanism because we need to authenticate:
- Ansible for its cloudformation role
- Ansible for its eksctl role
- Ansible to execute AWS CLI commands
The most non-obvious issue here is the fact, that the IAM user used to create an EKS cluster becomes its “super-admin” and you can not change it.
For example, in the previous part we created the cluster using the following command:
$ eksctl --profile arseniy create cluster -f eks-cluster-config.yml
Now, you can check the authenticator logs in the CloudWatch, the very first entries there – and you’ll see the root-suer from the system:masters
group with kubernetes-admin
Well – what can we use for AWS authentification??
- AWS CLI named profiles
- AWS IAM EC2 Instance profiles (see also AWS: IAM AssumeRole — описание, примеры, Rus)
But as we will use Jenkins here – we can use its IAM EC2 Instance role with necessary permissions.
For now, I realized the next scheme:
- manually create an IAM user called eks-root with the EKS Admin policy
- Jenkins will create necessary resources using its IAM Instance role with the EKS Admin policy and will become a “super-admin” for all EKS clusters in an AWS account
- and in Ansible we will add
eksctl create iamidentitymapping
(see Managing IAM users and roles) to add additional users.
Check the aws-auth ConfigMap
$ eksctl --profile arseniy --region eu-west-2 get iamidentitymapping --cluster eks-dev ARN USERNAME GROUPS arn:aws:iam::534***385:role/eksctl-eks-dev-nodegroup-worker-n-NodeInstanceRole-UNGXZXVBL3ZP system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}} system:bootstrappers,system:nodes
Or with this:
$ kubectl -n kube-system get cm aws-auth -o yaml apiVersion: v1 data: mapRoles: | - groups: - system:bootstrappers - system:nodes rolearn: arn:aws:iam::534***385:role/eksctl-eks-dev-nodegroup-worker-n-NodeInstanceRole-UNGXZXVBL3ZP username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}} mapUsers: | [] kind: ConfigMap ...
Let’s do everything manually now to avoid surprised during the automation creation:
- create an IAM user
- create an “EKS Admin” policy
- attach this policy to this user
- configure local AWS CLI profile with this user
- configure local
for this AWS CLI profile - execute
eksctl create iamidentitymapping
- execute
kubectl get nodes
to check access
Go ahead – create the user:
$ aws --profile arseniy --region eu-west-2 iam create-user --user-name eks-root { "User": { "Path": "/", "UserName": "eks-root", "UserId": "AID***PSA", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::534***385:user/eks-root", "CreateDate": "2020-03-30T12:24:28Z" } }
His access keys:
$ aws --profile arseniy --region eu-west-2 iam create-access-key --user-name eks-root { "AccessKey": { "UserName": "eks-root", "AccessKeyId": "AKI****45Y", "Status": "Active", "SecretAccessKey": "Qrr***xIT", "CreateDate": "2020-03-30T12:27:28Z" } }
Configure local AWS CLI profile:
$ aws configure --profile eks-root AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKI***45Y AWS Secret Access Key [None]: Qrr***xIT Default region name [None]: eu-west-2 Default output format [None]: json
Try access now – must be declined:
$ aws --profile eks-roo eks list-clusters An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the ListClusters operation [...]
Create a policy, here are some examples>>> (later it can be added to the CloudFormation stack as a nested stack, in the same way, SecurityGroups will be managed), save it in a dedicated file ../../cloudformation/files/eks-root-policy.json
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "eks:*" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
Add this policy to AWS IAM:
$ aws --profile arseniy --region eu-west-2 iam create-policy --policy-name eks-root-policy --policy-document file://../../cloudformation/files/eks-root-policy.json { "Policy": { "PolicyName": "eks-root-policy", "PolicyId": "ANPAXY5JMBMEROIOD22GM", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::534***385:policy/eks-root-policy", "Path": "/", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "AttachmentCount": 0, "PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount": 0, "IsAttachable": true, "CreateDate": "2020-03-30T12:44:58Z", "UpdateDate": "2020-03-30T12:44:58Z" } }
Attach the policy to the user created above:
$ aws --profile arseniy --region eu-west-2 iam attach-user-policy --user-name eks-root --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::534***385:policy/eks-root-policy
$ aws --profile arseniy --region eu-west-2 iam list-attached-user-policies --user-name eks-root --output text ATTACHEDPOLICIES arn:aws:iam::534***385:policy/eks-root-policy eks-root-policy
Try access again:
$ aws --profile eks-root --region eu-west-2 eks list-clusters --output text CLUSTERS eks-dev
And in another region:
$ aws --profile eks-root --region us-east-2 eks list-clusters --output text CLUSTERS eksctl-bttrm-eks-production-1 CLUSTERS mobilebackend-dev-eks-0-cluster
The next tasks will be better to do from a box with no configured accesses at all, for example – from the RTFM blog’s server 🙂
Install the AWS CLI:
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# pip install awscli
Configure a default profile:
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# aws configure
Check access to AWS EKS in general – in our IAM policy we’ve granted permissions to the eks:ListClusters
API-call, so it must be working:
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# aws eks list-clusters --output text CLUSTERS eks-dev
Install the eksctl
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# curl --silent --location "$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin
Repeat the eks:ListClusters
– also must work, as eksctl
will use the default AWS CLI profile configured above:
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# eksctl get cluster NAME REGION eks-dev eu-west-2
Install kubectl
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# chmod +x ./kubectl root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
Install aws-iam-authenticator
to let kubectl
perform authentification in AWS:
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# curl -o aws-iam-authenticator root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# chmod +x ./aws-iam-authenticator root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# mv aws-iam-authenticator /usr/local/bin/
Configure kubectl
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# aws eks update-kubeconfig --name eks-dev Updated context arn:aws:eks:eu-west-2:534***385:cluster/eks-dev in /root/.kube/config
Try to execute a command on the cluster – must be authorization error:
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# kubectl get nodes error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized) root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# kubectl get pod error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
Go back to the working PC and add the eks-root user to the aws-auth ConfigMap
$ eksctl --profile arseniy --region eu-west-2 create iamidentitymapping --cluster eks-dev --arn arn:aws:iam::534***385:user/eks-root --group system:masters --username eks-root [ℹ] eksctl version 0.16.0 [ℹ] using region eu-west-2 [ℹ] adding identity "arn:aws:iam::534***385:user/eks-root" to auth ConfigMap
Check it:
$ eksctl --profile arseniy --region eu-west-2 get iamidentitymapping --cluster eks-dev ARN USERNAME GROUPS arn:aws:iam::534***385:role/eksctl-eks-dev-nodegroup-worker-n-NodeInstanceRole-UNGXZXVBL3ZP system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}} system:bootstrappers,system:nodes arn:aws:iam::534***385:user/eks-root eks-root system:masters
Go back to the testing host and try access again:
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# kubectl get node NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready <none> 133m v1.15.10-eks-bac369 Ready <none> 133m v1.15.10-eks-bac369
And let’s check something else, the same aws-auth ConfigMap
for example:
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# kubectl -n kube-system get cm aws-auth -o yaml apiVersion: v1 data: mapRoles: | - groups: - system:bootstrappers - system:nodes rolearn: arn:aws:iam::534***385:role/eksctl-eks-dev-nodegroup-worker-n-NodeInstanceRole-UNGXZXVBL3ZP username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}} mapUsers: | - groups: - system:masters userarn: arn:aws:iam::534***385:user/eks-root username: eks-root kind: ConfigMap ...
The mapUsers
with our user added – all good here.
Later we can use this aws-auth to add new users or will add a task to Ansible to execute eksctl create iamidentitymapping
, or we can generate our ownConfigMap
and upload it to EKS.
I’ll proceed the tasks from our Jenkins host as we have vim
available anywhere.
Ansible CloudFormation
CloudFormation Parameters and Ansible variables
Before starting the following tasks – let’s think about parameters used in the CloudFormation stack from the previous part and what we will need to have in our Ansible.
The first thing came in mind is the act, that we will have Dev, Stage, Production cluster + dynamic for QA team (to let them ability to create a dedicated custom cluster from a Jenkins job to test something), so parameters have to be flexible enough to create a stack in any region with any VPC networks.
Thus we will have:
- common parameters for all:
- region
- AWS access/secret (or IAM EC2 Instance Profile)
- dedicated parameters for an environment:
- ENV(dev, stage, prod)
- VPC CIDR (,, etc)
- SSH key for Kubernetes Worker Nodes access
- AWS ЕС2 instances types for Kubernetes Worker Nodes (t3.nano, c5.9xlarge, etc)
In particular, worth to pay attention to the namings of the stacks and clusters.
So, we will have for names which are used “globally” over Ansible playbook and roles and which we will see later in AWS Console:
- an environment name – dev, stage, prod
- a CloudFromation stack name created by us from the cloudformation role (a root stack and its nested stacks)
- a CloudFromation stack name created by the
when creating a cluster and its WorkerNodes stacks - and an EKS cluster name
of course, will do some things behind the scene and will append some prefixes-postfixes to the names here.
For example, when creating a stack for EKS cluster itself – it will append its CloudFormation stack name with the eksctl- prefix and will add a -cluster postfix, and for its WokerNodes stacks – will use prefix eksctl- and postfix -nodegroup + name of the WorkerNodes group from a cluster config-file.
But still, the cluster itself will be named exactly as we set it in the eks-cluster-config.yml
So, let’s grab altogether – which variables we will use:
:- format: string “dev“
- description: used to compose values for other variables
- result: dev
:- format:
- description: will set the
metadata: name:
in theeks-cluster-config.yml
cluster-config will be used to compose values for other variables and CloudFormation tags - result: bttrm-eks-dev
- format:
:- format:
- description: with the –stack here we are noting that this contains only AWS related resources, no EKS
- result:
- format:
- (AUTO)
:- format:
- description: will be created by
itself for a CloudFormation stack, just keeping it in mind - result:
- format:
- (AUTO)
:- format:
, where worker-nodes-name – is a value from thenodeGroups: - name:
from the cluster-configeks-cluster-config.yml
- description: will be created by
itself for a CloudFormation stack, just keeping it in mind - result:
- format:
Regarding different files for different environments – for now, can use common group_vars/all.yml
, and later will see how to make them separated.
Create a directory:
$ mkdir group_vars
Create the all.yml
file and set initial values:
################### # ANSIBLE globals # ################### ansible_connection: local ##################### # ENV-specific vars # ##################### env: "dev" ################# # ROLES globals # ################# region: "eu-west-2" # (THIS) eks_cluster_name: used for EKS service to set an exactly cluster's name - "{{ eks_cluster_name }}" # (AUTO) eks_cluster_stack_name: used for CloudFormation service to format a stack's name as "eksctl-{{ eks_cluster_name }}-cluster" # (AUTO) eks_nodegroup_stack_name: used for CloudFormation service to format a stack's name as "eksctl-{{ eks_cluster_name }}-nodegroup-{{ worker-nodes-name }}" eks_cluster_name: "bttrm-eks-{{ env }}" # used bythe cloudformation role to st a stack's name cf_stack_name: "eksctl-{{ eks_cluster_name }}-stack" ################## # ROLES specific # ################## # cloudforation role vpc_cidr_block: ""
Also, put shared variables here like region
– it will be used by the cloudformation and eksctl roles, and vpc_cidr_block
– only in the cloudformation.
The CloudFormation role
After we’ve finished our templates in the previous part we must have the following directories and files structure:
$ tree . └── roles ├── cloudformation │ ├── files │ │ ├── eks-azs-networking.json │ │ ├── eks-region-networking.json │ │ └── eks-root.json │ ├── tasks │ └── templates └── eksctl ├── tasks └── templates └── eks-cluster-config.yml
Now, in the repository root create a new file eks-cluster.yml
– this will be our Ansible playbook.
Add the cloudformation execution there:
- hosts: - all become: true roles: - role: cloudformation tags: infra
Add tags
to be able later run roles independently – will be helpful when we will start writing a role for the eksctl
Create a roles/cloudformation/tasks/main.yml
file – add the cloudformation
module execution here and set necessary parameters for our templates via template_parameters
– the VPCCIDRBlock
from the vpc_cidr_block
variable and EKSClusterName
parameter from the eks_cluster_name
- name: "Create EKS {{ cf_stack_name | upper }} CloudFormation stack" cloudformation: region: "{{ region }}" stack_name: "{{ cf_stack_name }}" state: "present" disable_rollback: true template: "/tmp/packed-eks-stacks.json" template_parameters: VPCCIDRBlock: "{{ vpc_cidr_block }}" EKSClusterName: {{ eks_cluster_name }}, tags: Stack: "{{ cf_stack_name }}" Env: "{{ env }}" EKS-cluster: "{{ eks_cluster_name }}"
Didn’t use Ansible for half of the year – forgot everything(
Google for “ansible inventory” – and read the Best Practices
In the repository root, create an ansible.cfg
file with some defaults:
[defaults] gather_facts = no inventory = hosts.yml
In the same place create an inventory file – hosts.yml
all: hosts: "localhost"
W era e using localhost, here as Ansible will not use SSH anywhere – all tasks will be done locally.
Check syntax:
admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes$ ansible-playbook eks-cluster.yml --syntax-check playbook: eks-cluster.yml
Looks good? Generate a template’s file (in Jenkins pipeline will have to have an additional stage for this:
admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes$ cd roles/cloudformation/files/ admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes/roles/cloudformation/files$ aws --region eu-west-2 cloudformation package --template-file eks-root.json --output-template /tmp/packed-eks-stacks.json --s3-bucket eks-cloudformation-eu-west-2 --use-json Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file /tmp/packed-eks-stacks.json. Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /tmp/packed-eks-stacks.json --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>
Run the stack creation:
admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes$ ansible-playbook eks-cluster.yml ... TASK [cloudformation : Setting the Stack name] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [cloudformation : Create EKS EKSCTL-BTTRM-EKS-DEV-STACK CloudFormation stack] **** changed: [localhost] PLAY RECAP **** localhost : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
The stack’s name was set as eksctl-bttrm-eks-dev-stack – nice.
Now, can start writing a role for the eksctl
to create a cluster itself.
Ansible eksctl
We already have the cluster config file – let’s rename it to the .j2
(to note it as a Jinja’s file – Ansible templating engine):
admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes$ mv roles/eksctl/templates/eks-cluster-config.yml roles/eksctl/templates/eks-cluster-config.yml.j2
From the CloudFormation stack created in the first role we need to pass a bunch of values here – VPC ID, subnets IDs, etc, to set values in the cluster config for eksctl
Let’s use Ansible module cloudformation_info
to collect information about the stack created.
Add it, save its output to the stack_info
variable and then will check its content.
Create a new file roles/eksctl/tasks/main.yml
- cloudformation_info: region: "{{ region }}" stack_name: "cf_stack_name" register: stack_info - debug: msg: "{{ stack_info }}"
Add the eksctl
role execution to the eks-cluster.yml
playbook, add tags
- hosts: - all become: true roles: - role: cloudformation tags: infra - role: eksctl tags: eks
Run using --tags eks
to execute the eksctl
role only:
admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes$ ansible-playbook --tags eks eks-cluster.yml ... TASK [eksctl : cloudformation_info] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : debug] **** ok: [localhost] => { "msg": { "changed": false, "cloudformation": { "eksctl-bttrm-eks-dev-stack": { "stack_description": { ... "outputs": [ { "description": "EKS VPC ID", "output_key": "VPCID", "output_value": "vpc-042082cd2d011f44d" }, ...
Now – let’s cut the ( "outputs" )
block only.
Update the task – from the stack_info
into msg
pass only the stack_outputs
- cloudformation_info: region: "{{ region }}" stack_name: "{{ cf_stack_name }}" register: stack_info - debug: msg: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs }}"
admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes$ ansible-playbook --tags eks eks-cluster.yml ... TASK [eksctl : debug] **** ok: [localhost] => { "msg": { "APrivateSubnetID": "subnet-0471e7c28a3770828", "APublicSubnetID": "subnet-07a0259b33ddbcb4c", "AStackAZ": "eu-west-2a", "BPrivateSubnetID": "subnet-0fa6eece43b2b6644", "BPublicSubnetID": "subnet-072c107cef77fe859", "BStackAZ": "eu-west-2b", "VPCID": "vpc-042082cd2d011f44d" } } ...
And now – let’s try to set those values as variables to use them to generate the cluster config from its template.
Update the roles/eksctl/tasks/main.yml
, add a vpc_id
variable and print it via debug
to check its value:
- cloudformation_info: region: "{{ region }}" stack_name: "{{ cf_stack_name }}" register: stack_info - debug: msg: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs }}" - set_fact: vpc_id: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.VPCID }}" - debug: msg: "{{ vpc_id }}" - name: "Check template's content" debug: msg: "{{ lookup('template', './eks-cluster-config.yml.j2') }}"
In the «Check the template content» by direct call of the template
module let’s check what we will have as a resulted file from the template file.
Edit the roles/eksctl/templates/eks-cluster-config.yml.j2
– set the (( vpc_id ))
apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfig metadata: name: eks-dev region: eu-west-2 version: "1.15" nodeGroups: - name: worker-nodes instanceType: t3.medium desiredCapacity: 2 privateNetworking: true vpc: id: "{{ vpc_id }}" subnets: public: eu-west-2a: ...
admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes$ ansible-playbook --tags eks eks-cluster.yml ... TASK [eksctl : debug] **** ok: [localhost] => { "msg": { "APrivateSubnetID": "subnet-0471e7c28a3770828", "APublicSubnetID": "subnet-07a0259b33ddbcb4c", "AStackAZ": "eu-west-2a", "BPrivateSubnetID": "subnet-0fa6eece43b2b6644", "BPublicSubnetID": "subnet-072c107cef77fe859", "BStackAZ": "eu-west-2b", "VPCID": "vpc-042082cd2d011f44d" } } TASK [eksctl : set_fact] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : debug] **** ok: [localhost] => { "msg": "vpc-042082cd2d011f44d" } TASK [eksctl : Check the template's content] **** ok: [localhost] => { "msg": "apiVersion:\nkind: ClusterConfig\nmetadata:\n name: eks-dev\n region: eu-west-2\n version: \"1.15\"\nnodeGroups:\n - name: worker-nodes\n instanceType: t3.medium\n desiredCapacity: 2\n privateNetworking: true\nvpc:\n id: \"vpc-042082cd2d011f44d\"\n [...]
vpc:\n id: \”vpc-vpc-042082cd2d011f44d\” – good, we got our VPC ID in the template.
Add other variables, so the template will look like:
apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfig metadata: name: "{{ eks_cluster_name }}" region: "{{ region }}" version: "{{ k8s_version }}" nodeGroups: - name: "{{ k8s_worker_nodes_group_name }}" instanceType: "{{ k8s_worker_nodes_instance_type }}" desiredCapacity: {{ k8s_worker_nodes_capacity }} privateNetworking: true vpc: id: "{{ vpc_id }}" subnets: public: {{ a_stack_az }}: id: "{{ a_stack_pub_subnet }}" {{ b_stack_az }}: id: "{{ b_stack_pub_subnet }}" private: {{ a_stack_az }}: id: "{{ a_stack_priv_subnet }}" {{ b_stack_az }}: id: "{{ b_stack_priv_subnet }}" nat: gateway: Disable cloudWatch: clusterLogging: enableTypes: ["*"]
Next, need to add additional variables for Ansible to be used in this template:
- eks_cluster_name – is already added
- vpc_id – is already added
- for the AvailablityZone-А stack need to add:
- a_stack_pub_subnet
- a_stack_priv_subnet
- for the AvailablityZone-В need to add:
- a_stack_pub_subnet
- a_stack_priv_subnet
- region – is already added, will be set later from a Jenkins parameters
- kubernetes_version
- kubernetes_worker_nodes_group_name
- kubernetes_worker_nodes_instance_type
- kubernetes_worker_nodes_capacity
Add set_facts
in the roles/eksctl/tasks/main.yml
- cloudformation_info: region: "{{ region }}" stack_name: "{{ cf_stack_name }}" register: stack_info - debug: msg: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs }}" - set_fact: vpc_id: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.VPCID }}" a_stack_az: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.AStackAZ }}" a_stack_pub_subnet: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.APublicSubnetID }}" a_stack_priv_subnet: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.APrivateSubnetID }}" b_stack_az: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.BStackAZ }}" b_stack_pub_subnet: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.BPublicSubnetID }}" b_stack_priv_subnet: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.BPrivateSubnetID }}" - name: "Check the template's content" debug: msg: "{{ lookup('template', './eks-cluster-config.yml.j2') }}"
In the group_vars/all.yml
add values for the eksctl role:
... ################## # ROLES specific # ################## # cloudforation role vpc_cidr_block: "" # eksctl role k8s_version: 1.15 k8s_worker_nodes_group_name: "worker-nodes" k8s_worker_nodes_instance_type: "t3.medium" k8s_worker_nodes_capacity: 2
Let’s check – for now in the way, by calling the template directory:
... TASK [eksctl : Check the template's content] **** ok: [localhost] => { "msg": "apiVersion:\nkind: ClusterConfig\nmetadata:\n name: \"bttrm-eks-dev\"\n region: \"eu-west-2\"\n version: \"1.15\"\nnodeGroups:\n - name: \"worker-nodes\"\n instanceType: \"t3.medium\"\n desiredCapacity: 2\n privateNetworking: true\nvpc:\n id: \"vpc-042082cd2d011f44d\"\n subnets:\n public:\n eu-west-2a:\n id: \"subnet-07a0259b33ddbcb4c\"\n eu-west-2b:\n id: \"subnet-072c107cef77fe859\"\n private:\n eu-west-2a:\n id: \"subnet-0471e7c28a3770828\"\n eu-west-2b:\n id: \"subnet-0fa6eece43b2b6644\"\n nat:\n gateway: Disable\ncloudWatch:\n clusterLogging:\n enableTypes: [\"*\"]\n" } ...
“It works!” (c).
Well – not it’s time to run the eksctl
Cluster config – eks-cluster-config.yml
Before calling eksctl
need to generate the config from the template.
At the end of the roles/eksctl/tasks/main.yml
add template
, and by using the role/eksctl/templates/eks-cluster-config.yml.j2
generate a eks-cluster-config.yml
file in the /tmp
... - name: "Generate eks-cluster-config.yml" template: src: "eks-cluster-config.yml.j2" dest: /tmp/eks-cluster-config.yml
create vs update
A note: actually, the update for eksctl will perform a version upgrade instead of configuration update, but I’ll leave this part here just for example
By the way, what if a cluster already exists? A job will fail, as we are passing the create
Well – we can add a check if a cluster already present and then create a variable to store a value create or update, similarly as I did it in the BASH: скрипт создания AWS CloudFormation стека.
Thus, need to:
- get a list of the EKS clusters in an AWS region
- try to find the name of the cluster being created in this list
- if not found then set value create
- if found then set value update
Let’s try to do it in this way:
# populate a clusters_exist list with names of clusters devided by TAB "\t" - name: "Getting existing clusters list" shell: "aws --region {{ region }} eks list-clusters --query '[clusters'] --output text" register: clusters_exist - debug: msg: "{{ clusters_exist.stdout }}" # create a list from the clusters_exist - set_fact: found_clusters_list: "{{ clusters_exist.stdout.split('\t') }}" - debug: msg: "{{ found_clusters_list }}" # check if a cluster's name is found in the existing clusters list - fail: msg: "{{ eks_cluster_name }} already exist in the {{ region }}" when: eks_cluster_name not in found_clusters_list - meta: end_play ...
Those tasks during testing add to the beginning of the roles/eksctl/tasks/main.yml
, and to stop execution after them – add the - meta: end_play
In the fail
condition now set “not in” as we are just testing now and have no cluster created yet:
... TASK [eksctl : debug] ***** ok: [localhost] => { "msg": "eks-dev" } TASK [eksctl : set_fact] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : debug] **** ok: [localhost] => { "msg": [ "eks-dev" ] } TASK [eksctl : fail] **** fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "bttrm-eks-dev already exist in the eu-west-2"} ...[/simterm]
Now, add an eksctl_action
variable with the “create” or “update“, depending on was the cluster found or not:
# populate a clusters_exist list with names of clusters devided by TAB "\t" - name: "Getting existing clusters list" shell: "aws --region {{ region }} eks list-clusters --query '[clusters'] --output text" register: clusters_exist - debug: msg: "{{ clusters_exist.stdout }}" # create a list from the clusters_exist - set_fact: found_clusters_list: "{{ clusters_exist.stdout.split('\t') }}" - debug: msg: "{{ found_clusters_list }}" - set_fact: eksctl_action: "{{ 'create' if (eks_cluster_name not in found_clusters_list) else 'update' }}" - debug: var: eksctl_action # check if a cluster's name is found in the existing clusters list - fail: msg: "{{ eks_cluster_name }} already exist in the {{ region }}" when: eks_cluster_name not in found_clusters_list ...
... TASK [eksctl : debug] **** ok: [localhost] => { "eksctl_action": "create" } ...
Next, add this to the eksctl
task – add the (( eksctl_action ))
to its arguments instead of direct “create“:
- cloudformation_info: region: "{{ region }}" stack_name: "{{ cf_stack_name }}" register: stack_info - set_fact: vpc_id: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.VPCID }}" a_stack_az: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.AStackAZ }}" a_stack_pub_subnet: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.APublicSubnetID }}" a_stack_priv_subnet: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.APrivateSubnetID }}" b_stack_az: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.BStackAZ }}" b_stack_pub_subnet: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.BPublicSubnetID }}" b_stack_priv_subnet: "{{ stack_info.cloudformation[cf_stack_name].stack_outputs.BPrivateSubnetID }}" - name: "Generate eks-cluster-config.yml" template: src: "eks-cluster-config.yml.j2" dest: /tmp/eks-cluster-config.yml # populate a clusters_exist list with names of clusters devided by TAB "\t" - name: "Getting existing clusters list" command: "aws --region {{ region }} eks list-clusters --query '[clusters'] --output text" register: clusters_exist # create a list from the clusters_exist - set_fact: found_clusters_list: "{{ clusters_exist.stdout.split('\t') }}" - name: "Setting eksctl action to either Create or Update" set_fact: eksctl_action: "{{ 'create' if (eks_cluster_name not in found_clusters_list) else 'update' }}" - name: "Running eksctl eksctl_action {{ eksctl_action | upper }} cluster with name {{ eks_cluster_name | upper }}" command: "eksctl {{ eksctl_action }} cluster -f /tmp/eks-cluster-config.yml"
The moment of truth! 🙂
admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes$ ansible-playbook --tags eks eks-cluster.yml ... TASK [eksctl : cloudformation_info] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : set_fact] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : Generate eks-cluster-config.yml] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : Getting existing clusters list] **** changed: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : set_fact] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : Setting eksctl action to either Create or Update] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : Running eksctl eksctl_action CREATE cluster with name BTTRM-EKS-DEV]
The stack and cluster are creating, the stack’s name is eksctl-bttrm-dev-cluster – everything as we planned:
Left just one more test.
TEST: CloudFormation && EKS Custom parameters
The latest thing to test is the flexibility of everything we wrote.
For example, an QA team wants to create a brand new cluster named qa-test with VPC CIDR
Update the group_vars/all.yml
, set:
: “dev” > “qa-test”region
: “eu-west-2” > “eu-west-3“vpc_cidr_block
: “” > ““
... env: "qa-test" ... region: "eu-west-3" ... vpc_cidr_block: ""
Re-pack the template to re-geneteare the packed-eks-stack.json
admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes$ cd roles/cloudformation/files/ admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes/roles/cloudformation/files$ aws --region eu-west-3 cloudformation package --template-file eks-root.json --output-template packed-eks-stacks.json --s3-bucket eks-cloudformation-eu-west-3 --use-json
Run Ansible with no --tags
to create CloudFormation stacks and EKS cluster from scratch:
admin@jenkins-production:~/devops-kubernetes$ ansible-playbook eks-cluster.yml ... TASK [cloudformation : Create EKS EKSCTL-BTTRM-EKS-QA-TEST-STACK CloudFormation stack] **** changed: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : cloudformation_info] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : set_fact] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : Generate eks-cluster-config.yml] **** changed: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : Getting existing clusters list] **** changed: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : set_fact] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : Setting eksctl action to either Create or Update] **** ok: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : Running eksctl eksctl_action CREATE cluster with name BTTRM-EKS-QA-TEST] **** ...
Wait, check:
Actually – that’s all.
The final thing will be to create a Jenkins-job.
Oh, wait! Forgot about ConfigMap
P.S. aws-auth ConfigMap
No matter how hard you try – you’ll forget something.
So – need to add the eks-root, user created at the very beginning of this post to the cluster we are creating.
It can be done with one command and two variables.
A note: actually, this will append the user each time when provisioning is running, so in my final solution I did it in a bit another way, but for now I’m leaving it here “as is” – will add a better way later.
In the group_vars/all.yml
add a user’s ARN:
... eks_root_user_name: "eks-root" eks_root_user_arn: "arn:aws:iam::534***385:user/eks-root"
And in the roles/eksctl/tasks/main.yml
– add him to the cluster:
... - name: "Update aws-auth ConfigMap with the EKS root user {{ eks_root_user_name | upper }}" command: "eksctl create iamidentitymapping --cluster {{ eks_cluster_name }} --arn {{ eks_root_user_arn }} --group system:masters --username {{ eks_root_user_name }}"
... TASK [eksctl : Running eksctl eksctl_action UPDATE cluster with name BTTRM-EKS-QA-TEST] **** changed: [localhost] TASK [eksctl : Update aws-auth ConfigMap with the EKS root user EKS-ROOT] **** changed: [localhost] ...
Go back to the RTFM’s server where we have “clean” access for only the eks-root user, update its ~/.kube/config
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# aws --region eu-west-3 eks update-kubeconfig --name bttrm-eks-qa-test Added new context arn:aws:eks:eu-west-3:534***385:cluster/bttrm-eks-qa-test to /root/.kube/config
Try to access nodes info:
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# kubectl get node NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready <none> 94m v1.15.10-eks-bac369 Ready <none> 94m v1.15.10-eks-bac369
And pods:
root@rtfm-do-production:/home/setevoy# kubectl get pod -n kube-system NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE aws-node-rgpn5 1/1 Running 0 95m aws-node-xtr6m 1/1 Running 0 95m coredns-7ddddf5cc7-5w5wt 1/1 Running 0 102m coredns-7ddddf5cc7-v2sgd 1/1 Running 0 102m ...
Useful links
- Introduction to Kubernetes Pod Networking
- Kubernetes on AWS: Tutorial and Best Practices for Deployment
- How to Manage Kubernetes With Kubectl
- Building large clusters
- Kubernetes production best practices
- kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS
- EKS vs GKE vs AKS — Evaluating Kubernetes in the Cloud
- Modular and Scalable Amazon EKS Architecture
- Build a kubernetes cluster with eksctl
- Amazon EKS Security Group Considerations
- Managing AWS Infrastructure as Code using Ansible, CloudFormation, and CodeBuild
- Nested CloudFormation Stack: a guide for developers and system administrators
- Walkthrough with Nested CloudFormation Stacks
- How do I pass CommaDelimitedList parameters to nested stacks in AWS CloudFormation?
- How do I use multiple values for individual parameters in an AWS CloudFormation template?
- Two years with CloudFormation: lessons learned
- Shrinking Bloated CloudFormation Templates With Nested Stack
- CloudFormation Best-Practices
- 7 Awesome CloudFormation Hacks
- AWS CloudFormation Best Practices – Certification
- Defining Resource Properties Conditionally Using AWS::NoValue on CloudFormation