Monthly Archives: June 2024

AWS: Cost optimization – an overview of Bills, Cost Explorer, and the costs control

23 June 2024

 Let’s continue our series on cost optimization in AWS. Previous posts: AWS: cost optimization – purchasing RDS Reserved Instances AWS: Cost Explorer – costs checking on the CloudWatch Logs example AWS: Cost optimization – services expenses overview and traffic costs in AWS Now that we understand what we pay for in AWS, let’s see what… Read More »

Kubernetes: monitoring Events with kubectl and Grafana Loki

23 June 2024

  In Kubernetes, in addition to metrics and logs from containers, we can get information about the operation of components using Kubernetes Events. Events usually store information about the status of Pods (creation, evict, kill, ready or not-ready status of pods), WorkerNodes (status of servers), Kubernetes Scheduler (inability to start a pod, etc.). Kubernetes Events… Read More »

AWS: Karpenter and SSH for Kubernetes WorkerNodes

23 June 2024

  We have an AWS EKS cluster with WorkerNodes/EC2 created with Karpenter. The process of creating the infrastructure, cluster, and launching Karpenter is described in previous posts: Terraform: Building EKS, part 1 – VPC, Subnets and Endpoints Terraform: Building EKS, part 2 – an EKS cluster, WorkerNodes, and IAM Terraform: Building EKS, part 3 –… Read More »

Pritunl: launching a VPN in AWS on EC2 with Terraform

23 June 2024

  I’ve already written a little about Pritunl before – Pritunl: Running a VPN in Kubernetes. Let’s return to this topic again, but this time on EC2 in AWS, without Kubernetes. So, what we need to do is to run some kind of VPN service for the project to have access to Kubernetes APIs/Kubernetes WorkerNodes/AWS… Read More »