Monthly Archives: August 2021

AWS: Lambda functions – an overview, and integration with AWS API Gateway

18 August 2021

 AWS Lambda allows running a code without the need to create and manage servers, also known as the serverless approach. AWS Lambda will determine how much CPU and memory is needed to run a function, and when it’s necessary it will perform autoscaling. A code to be running is organized in lambda functions and can be… Read More »

Git: scan repositories for secrets using Gitleaks

16 August 2021

 A confidential data leak such as RDS keys or passwords to a Git repository, even if it is a private Github repository, is a very bad thing and it’s good to check your repositories to know if any developer pushed a commit with such data. Scanning utilities To check Git repositories for a leak, at… Read More »

Tableau: install Tableau Bridge to access a database server in a private network

9 August 2021

 To access a database server, that has no public access (as it must be – access only inside an AWS VPC), Tableau suggests using its tool called Tableau Bridge. The idea is to have a Bridge service running in a network, which has access to a database server via its Private IP. Also, Bridge will… Read More »