Tag Archives: AWS Lambda

AWS: Lambda – copy EC2 tags to its EBS, part 2 – create a Lambda function

13 October 2021

 let’s proceed in our journey of the AWS Lambda function, which will copy an EC2’s AWS Tags to all EBS volumes, attached to it. In the first part, AWS: Lambda — copy EC2 tags to its EBS, part 1 – Python and boto3, we wrote a Python script that can get all EC2 instances in… Read More »

AWS: Lambda – copy EC2 tags to its EBS, part 1 – Python and boto3

13 October 2021

 We have an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster, which has a few WorkerNode Groups that were created as AWS AutoScaling Groups by using the eksctl, see the AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service: a cluster creation automation, part 2 – Ansible, eksctl for more details. The WorkerNode Group configuration for the eksctl keeps a set of Tags,… Read More »

AWS: Lambda functions – an overview, and integration with AWS API Gateway

18 August 2021

 AWS Lambda allows running a code without the need to create and manage servers, also known as the serverless approach. AWS Lambda will determine how much CPU and memory is needed to run a function, and when it’s necessary it will perform autoscaling. A code to be running is organized in lambda functions and can be… Read More »