Category Archives: Windows

Microsoft Windows is a group of several graphical operating system families, all of which are developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft.
Just the worst system ever.

Windows: Windows Subsystem for Linux and Ubuntu Linux installation

14 March 2021

  Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a Windows subsystem that helps to run various Linux distribution directly from the Windows OS. WSL version 2 which is the default version now uses the Hyper-V virtualization under the hood to install and run Linux and share files and devices between both systems. Windows Subsystem for Linux… Read More »

Arch Linux: installing with EFI and Windows dual-boot

24 February 2019

 The goal is to set up a new Arch Linux and Windows (just for some games) on my new PC and use dual-boot using GRUB. Disks Currently disks layout is next: [simterm] [root@archiso ~]# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT loop0 7:0 0 476.7M 1 loop /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs sda 8:0 0 223.6G 0 disk… Read More »