Tag Archives: AWS CloudWatch

Prometheus: yet-another-cloudwatch-exporter – collecting AWS CloudWatch metrics

23 July 2020

 Currently, to collect metrics from the AWS CloudWatch we are using AWS’s own cloudwatch-exporter, see the Prometheus: CloudWatch exporter — сбор метрик из AWS и графики в Grafana post (in Rus), but it has a few gaps: it’s written in Java, so uses CPU/memory of the monitoring host doesn’t scrapes AWS tags from resources uses… Read More »

AWS: RDS logs, export to the CloudWatch Logs and CloudFormation template

7 March 2019

 We have a bunch of the AWS RDS with MariaDB. Backend-developers asked me to enable slow requests logs so they can debug their application. So the task is: enable AWS RDS logging and configure export to the CloudWatch Logs for further analysis. As everything else – our RDS instances are configured via CloudFormation templates, so… Read More »