Tag Archives: AWS CDK

AWS: CDK and Python – configure an IAM OIDC Provider, and install Kubernetes Controllers

22 July 2023

  So we have an AWS EKS cluster built with AWS CDK and Python – AWS: CDK and Python – building an EKS cluster, and general impressions of CDK, and we have an idea of how IRSA works – AWS: EKS, OpenID Connect, and ServiceAccounts. The next step after deploying the cluster is to configure the… Read More »

AWS: CDK and Python – building an EKS cluster, and general impressions of CDK

22 July 2023

  So, Terraform is great, but so far in our project, we have decided to create the first AWS EKS clusters using the AWS CDK, because firstly, it is already on the project, and secondly, it is very interesting to try a new tool. Today we will see what came out of it, and how… Read More »

AWS: CDK – an overview, and Python examples

14 May 2023

  The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) allows you to describe an infrastructure using the programming languages ​​TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, or Go. Under the hood, CDK creates a CloudFormation stack with the resources described in your code. The answer to the question “Our CDK, when is Terraform?” can be found here – 4 ultimate… Read More »