Arch Linux: installation, troubleshooting and playing EVE Online

By | 03/04/2019

After the successful installation of WoT on my new Arch Linux setup (see the World of Tanks: installing and running on Arch Linux post) I decided to “achieve the next milestone” – install EVE Online.

On a Google search by the “EVE Online Linux” request, I found the guide and tried to use it first.

Then after a couple of evenings spent in debug attempts – I gave up and asked on the…

But – better read the whole story yourself. Just – first read it till the end – and only then start the installation.

It was fascinating 🙂

Installing EVE Online for Linux

Download the archive from the, unpack it:


$ tar -xvf evelauncher-1385477.tar.gz


Set execution permissions on the script which will run EVE’s launcher:


$ cd evelauncher
$ chmod u+x


Run it:

All good so far – but messages in console already makes me worry:


$ ./
[0302/] Failed to open file: /tmp/.gljSq34Q (deleted)
  Error: No such file or directory
[0302/201111.115110:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(115)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale 
Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /home/setevoy/Downloads/evelauncher/translations/qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory...
Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /home/setevoy/Downloads/evelauncher/qtwebengine_locales. Trying fallback directory... Translations MAY NOT not be correct.
Path override failed for key ui::DIR_LOCALES and path '/home/setevoy/.QtWebEngineProcess'
[0302/201111.135019:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(115)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale 
[13296:13296:0302/] Lost UI shared context.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; no appID found.
Either launch the game from Steam, or put the file steam_appid.txt containing the correct appID in your game folder.
QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThread
[0302/] Failed to open file: /tmp/.glIHo6Pu (deleted)
  Error: No such file or directory
[0302/201159.728371:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(115)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale 
Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /home/setevoy/Downloads/evelauncher/translations/qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory...
Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /home/setevoy/Downloads/evelauncher/qtwebengine_locales. Trying fallback directory... Translations MAY NOT not be correct.
Path override failed for key ui::DIR_LOCALES and path '/home/setevoy/.QtWebEngineProcess'
[0302/201159.744418:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(115)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale 
[13918:13918:0302/] Lost UI shared context.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; no appID found.
Either launch the game from Steam, or put the file steam_appid.txt containing the correct appID in your game folder.
[13918:14061:0302/] Failed to open LevelDB database from /home/setevoy/.local/share/CCP/EVE/QtWebEngine/Default/IndexedDB/https_launcher.eveonline.com_0.indexeddb.leveldb,IO error: /home/setevoy/.local/share/CCP/EVE/QtWebEngine/Default/IndexedDB/https_launcher.eveonline.com_0.indexeddb.leveldb/LOCK: No further details. (ChromeMethodBFE: 15::LockFile::1)
[13918:14061:0302/] Unable to open backing store, not trying to recover - IO error: /home/setevoy/.local/share/CCP/EVE/QtWebEngine/Default/IndexedDB/https_launcher.eveonline.com_0.indexeddb.leveldb/LOCK: No further details. (ChromeMethodBFE: 15::LockFile::1)


And all looks so good – game starts, I can log in, even can use menus there…

But any click on the open space – just kills the game totally without any additional messages.

Well – there is the Steam version – but it’s for the Windows only…

[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; no appID found.

The first conspicuous error – “[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; no appID found“.

It appears because EVE’s launcher detects Steam installed.

Can be solved by creating the steam_appid.txt file the EVE’s ID (ID can be seen in the Steam Store, in a game’s URL – in this case):


$ echo 8500 > ~/Downloads/evelauncher/steam_appid.txt


Restart the game and check Steam’s logs:


[0302/] Unknown keycode:108
ExecuteSteamURL: "steam://run/8500"
GameAction [AppID 8500, ActionID 3] : LaunchApp changed task to RequestingLicense with ""
GameAction [AppID 8500, ActionID 3] : LaunchApp failed with AppError_29 with ""
GameAction [AppID 8500, ActionID 3] : LaunchApp changed task to Failed with ""
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1550534751)
ExecuteSteamURL: "steam://run/8500"
GameAction [AppID 8500, ActionID 4] : LaunchApp failed with AppError_29 with ""
GameAction [AppID 8500, ActionID 4] : LaunchApp changed task to Failed with ""
Game update: AppID 8500 "", ProcID 31006, IP
>>> Adding process 31006 for game ID 8500
JS method call SharedConnection.SendMsgAndAwaitResponse with 3 arguments


Nothing criminal here – but the game still crashes… Could not get default pem root certs

The next lines I paid my attention were next:


E0302 20:13:56.504529618   15744] Could not get default pem root certs.
E0302 20:13:56.504570632   15744] Failed to create secure subchannel for secure name ''
E0302 20:13:56.504580587   15744] Failed to create subchannel arguments during subchannel creation.
E0302 20:13:56.504603018   15744] Could not get default pem root certs.
E0302 20:13:56.504608140   15744] Failed to create secure subchannel for secure name ''
E0302 20:13:56.504613771   15744] Failed to create subchannel arguments during subchannel creation.
E0302 20:13:56.504626647   15744] Could not get default pem root certs.
E0302 20:13:56.504632789   15744] Failed to create secure subchannel for secure name ''
E0302 20:13:56.504637557   15744] Failed to create subchannel arguments during subchannel creation.




E0302 20:32:52.067379002   31312] load_file: {"created":"@1551551572.067330651","description":"Failed to load file","file":"src/core/lib/iomgr/","file_line":71,"filename":"/usr/local/share/grpc/roots.pem","referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1551551572.067322629","description":"OS Error","errno":2,"file":"src/core/lib/iomgr/","file_line":45,"os_error":"No such file or directory","syscall":"fopen"}]}


Well – maybe launcher needs in grpc and its certificate?

It present in AUR, so let’s try to install it


$ yaourt -S grpc


Run the game again – but the “Could not get default pem root certs” message is still here…

Find the certificate itself:


$ sudo find / -name roots.pem


The real directory and path in the error message differ – create a symlink here:


$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/grpc/
$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/grpc/roots.pem /usr/local/share/grpc/roots.pem


Run the game again – this error disappeared now but the game still won’t work properly…

By ear, I found the project which also provides EVE Online installation – but it didn’t work for me as well.

Path override failed for key ui::DIR_LOCALES and path ‘/home/setevoy/.QtWebEngineProcess’


Maybe – because of this error?

Do I have the qt5-webengine?



$ pacman -Qqe | grep qt5          


Install it:


$ sudo pacman -S qt5-webengine


And still the same – the game crashes…


Wine Windows XP, Vulkan, and DirectX11

Then I googled discussion on the Arch Linux forums and this comment.

Check the wine‘s setting – Windows XP mode is already set:


vulkan-icd-loader – installed…

lib32-vulkan-icd-loader – no, but don’t think it will help (and it didn’t).


DXVK for Wine?

Let’s install it:


$ winetricks dxvk


And no – still the same issue…

Installation with… EveLauncher-1456374.exe? O.o

At this moment I really gave up and went to the Arch Linux forums to ask for some assists here>>>.

As per @sincomil’s comment (and it was his comment above, regarding Vulkan, but posted a year before) – let’s try to use a common EVE’s launcher.

Download it from the downloads page and run with the common wine:


17:57:59 [setevoy@setevoy-arch-pc ~/Downloads]   
$ wine EveLauncher-1456374.exe


Create a new directory for this EVE’s setup:

Log in:

And – it works!

We are done 🙂

Happy battles!