GitHub Actions: working with Reusable Workflows

By | 03/23/2024

In the post GitHub Actions: Deploying Dev/Prod Environments with Terraform I’ve already touched on the topic of GitHub Actions Reusable Workflows and Composite Actions a bit, so it’s time to learn more about it.

What needs to be done: currently in my project, we write Workflow files in each repository separately. However, since all processes are step-by-step unified, i.e. infrastructure management through Terraform, and launching services in Kubernetes and deploying with Helm – we decided that it is the time to clean up GitHub Actions and stop writing “each for themselves.”

Instead, we will create a separate repository with Shared Workflows with a set of Jobs that will perform the required actions, and then we will include these Workflows in the Workflow of the project.

But Reusable Workflows has some interesting details.

So, first, let’s see what the difference between Reusable Workflows and Composite Actions is and what they are intended for, and then we’ll take a look at working with Reusable Workflows.

Comparing Reusable Workflows and Composite Actions

Composite Actions

Composite Actions allow you to combine several Steps into a single Action. Such Steps are described in a single file, and can perform several different runs or call other Actions.

A good example of working with Composite Actions is in GitHub Actions: Deploying Dev/Prod Environments with Terraform – the Creating Composite Action “terraform-init” part.

It is an ideal solution when you want to use the Steps sequence in multiple Jobs or Workflows.

  • Composite Actions allows you to combine several steps in one Action to call them all as one Step in the Workflow
  • you cannot have multiple Jobs in Composite Actions
  • A Job that calls Composite Actions can have other Steps

Reusable Workflows

Reusable Workflows allow you to reuse an entire Workflow with all its Jobs and Steps. They provide more options because they include contexts, environment variables, and secrets.

It’s the perfect solution when you want to use an entire CI/CD pipeline in multiple repositories.

From now on, we will use the following names:

  • Reusable Workflow: a workflow that is stored in a separate repository and is called for execution by another workflow
  • Caller Workflow: the workflow that calls the Reusable Workflow

Features of Reusable Workflows:

  • Reusable Workflows cannot call other Reusable Workflows
  • Reusable Workflows have quite detailed execution logs – each Job and Step is logged separately
  • Reusable Workflows are invoked as Jobs, but such a Job cannot have other Steps
    • because of this, you cannot use $GITHUB_ENV to pass values to Jobs and Steps in the Workflow Caller that invokes the Reusable Workflow
  • you can use different versions of the same Reusable Workflow by annotating @REF with the brunch name or git tag

See also Limitations.

Reusable Workflows and Composite Actions: Key differences

Reusable workflows Composite actions
Can connect a maximum of four levels of workflows Can be nested to have up to 10 composite actions in one workflow
Can use secrets Cannot use secrets
Can use if: conditionals Cannot use if: conditionals
Can be stored as normal YAML files in your project Requires individual folders for each composite action
Can use multiple jobs Cannot use multiple jobs
Each step is logged in real-time Logged as one step even if it contains multiple steps

Creating Reusable Workflows

Let’s create test Workflows to check the scheme in general:

  • the atlas-github-actions repository will have a Reusable Workflow
  • in the atlas-test repository there will be a Caller Workflow

Create a repository for our Reusable Workflows – atlas-github-actions, and in it, create a directory .github/workflows with the test-reusable-workflow.yml file:

name: Reusable Workflow

# trigger from other workflows


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: "Test: print Hello"
        run: echo "Hello, World!"

Save it and push it to GitHub.

Next, we need to authorize the use of Workflows from this repository.

Go to Setting > Actions, and at the bottom of the page allow access from other repositories of the organization:

Go to the Caller repository – atlas-test, and create a directory .github/workflows with the test-caller-workflow.yml file:

name: Caller Workflow

  # can be ran manually


    # call the Reusable Workflow file
    uses: <ORG_NAME>/atlas-github-actions/.github/workflows/test-reusable-workflow.yml@master

Push, and run:

Now let’s take a closer look at the details of how to work with Reusable Workflows.


A great post on GitHub Actions Permissions and Security in general is in the GitHub Actions Workflow Permissions.

In a short:

  • when using third-party Actions – check their code and use SHA hash instead of Git tag (I’ve never done this, but for absolutely security it makes sense)
  • always configure the permissions for $GITHUB_TOKEN explicitly at the Workflow or Job level to avoid using default permissions
  • Reusable Workflow inherits permissions from the Job or Workflow that calls the Reusable Workflow

That is, if we set permissions.pull-request: write in the Caller Workflow, we will be able to create comments in Pull Requests and from our Reusable Workflow.

GitHub Actions envs, vars, secrets and Reusable Workflow

We have three types of data, but with different “levels”:

  • env context:
    • set at the Workflow/Job/Step level – not passed to Reusable Workflow
  • vars context:
    • is set either at the GitHub Actions Environments level – not passed to Reusable Workflow
    • or at the level of Repository and Organization Variables – in Reusable Workflow are available without additional actions
  • secrets context:
    • is set either at the level of GitHub Actions Environments – are not passed to Reusable Workflow
    • or at the level of Repository and Organization Secrets – in Reusable Workflow are available through secrets: inherit

We can’t use Environments at all in Caller Workflows and Jobs that call Reusable Workflows – see Supported keywords for jobs that call a reusable workflow, so we won’t see all the vars and secrets that are set to a specific Environment in Reusable Workflows.

That is, you can’t do something like this in Caller Workflow:


    # using 'environment' will fail
    environment: test
    uses: <ORG_NAME>/atlas-github-actions/.github/workflows/test-reusable-workflow.yml@master

So let’s check what we can see in the Caller Workflow and the Reusable Workflow.

In the atlas-test repository from Caller Workflow, add the Environment, and in it Environment secrets and Environment variables:

In the same repository, add the usual Repository secrets:

Та Repository variables:

In the same repository, update the Caller Workflow file – test-caller-workflow.yml:

  • at the Workflow level, add env: CALLER_WORKFLOW_ENV.
  • to a Job with our Reusable Workflow:
    • add a test-input pass to the Reusable Workflow
    • add a secrets: inherit
  • at the Workflow level, add a Job prints-envs
name: Caller Workflow

  # can be ran manually

  CALLER_WORKFLOW_ENV: "Caller Env String"


    # call the Reusable Worfklow file
    uses: <ORG_NAME>/atlas-github-actions/.github/workflows/test-reusable-workflow.yml@master
      test-input: "Test Input String"
    secrets: inherit

    environment: test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest


      # Can use Envs from the Workflow level
      - name: "Test: print Caller Workflow Env"
        run: echo ${{ env.CALLER_WORKFLOW_ENV }}

      # can use Variables from the Workflow Environments level
      - name: "Test: print Caller Repository Env Variable"
        run: echo ${{ vars.CALLER_ENV_VAR }}

      # can use Variables from the Reposiotiry level
      - name: "Test: print Caller Repository Repo Variable"
        run: echo ${{ vars.CALLER_REPO_VAR }}

      # CAN'T use Secrets from the Workflow Environments level
      - name: "Test: print Caller Env Secret"
        run: echo ${{ secrets.CALLER_ENV_SECRET }}

      # can use Secrets from the Reposiotiry level
      - name: "Test: print Caller Repo Secret"
        run: echo ${{ secrets.CALLER_REPO_SECRET }}

In the atlas-github-actions repository, update our Reusable Workflow – the file test-reusable-workflow.yml.

Add inputs and steps, in which we will try to display env, vars and secrets from Caller Workflow/Repository/Environment:

name: Reusable Workflow

# trigger from other workflows
        required: true
        type: string      


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: "Test: print Hello"
        run: echo "Hello, World!"

      # CAN'T use Envs from the Caller Workflow
      - name: "Test: print Caller Workflow Env"
        run: echo ${{ env.CALLER_WORKFLOW_ENV }}

      # CAN'T use Variables from the Caller Workflow Environments level
      - name: "Test: print Caller Repository Env Variable"
        run: echo ${{ vars.CALLER_ENV_VAR }}

      # can use Variables from the Caller Repository Variables
      - name: "Test: print Caller Repository Repo Variable"
        run: echo ${{ vars.CALLER_REPO_VAR }}

      # CAN'T use Secrets from the Caller Workflow Environments Secrets
      - name: "Test: print Caller Env Secret"
        run: echo ${{ secrets.CALLER_ENV_SECRET }}

      # can use Secrets from the Caller Reposiotiry
      - name: "Test: print Caller Repo Secret"
        run: echo ${{ secrets.CALLER_REPO_SECRET }}

      # can use Inputs from the Caller Workflow
      - name: "Test: print Caller Repo Input"
        run: echo ${{ inputs.test-input }}

Using Secrets

A bit about the Secrets.

The first option is to use secrets: inherit – then all the variables in Repository secrets and Organization secrets from the Caller Workflow will be available in the Reusable Workflow.

Then, in Reusable Workflow, you can use them directly or set in env:

        required: true
        type: string  

  reusable_wf_local_secret: ${{ secrets.CALLER_REPO_INHERITED_SECRET }}


The second option is to pass a specific Secret instead of using secrets: inherit:

    # call the Reusable Worfklow file
    uses: <ORG_NAME>/atlas-github-actions/.github/workflows/test-reusable-workflow.yml@master
      test-input: "Test Input String"

In this case, REUSAVBLE_WF_SECRET_NAME must be specified in the Reusable Workflow along with inputs:

        required: false
        required: true
        type: string 

Then you can use it as ${{ secrets.REUSABLE_WF_SECRET_NAME }} in Reusable Workflow.

Okay, let’s proceed to see what was passed from the Caller to the Reusable workflow.

Put everything in the repository and start the Workflow.

The Job that calls the Reusable Workflow is missing some of the data:

The Job that is called directly in the Caller Workflow has all the data:

GitHub Context

When Reusable Workflows is called from a Caller Workflow, the github context will always have data from the Caller Workflow.

For example, in the Reusable Workflow, let’s add a display of the repository name:

name: Reusable Workflow

# trigger from other workflows
        required: true
        type: string      


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: "Test: print Hello"
        run: echo "Hello, World!"


      - name: "Test: print Repository Name from the github context"
        run: echo ${{ github.repository }}

And we have a name atlas-test – a repository with Caller Workflow:

Now you can start making Worfklow for Terraform and Helm, but that’s a whole other story.

Useful links