Atom: useful plugins

By | 04/08/2019

Usually, I’m using vim almost for everything excepting big Python projects (which happen rarely last time). In such cases, I have PyCharm, which is also used for AWS CloudFormation templates with the aws-cloudformation plugin.

For the  Go lang programmes I have used vim with the vim-go plugin but on last weekend I tried the Atom editor and will try to use it now.

So in this post – a few useful Atom plugins to make work easier.

This list isn’t full so please feel free to suggest other plugins in comments.

Installing Atom

AS usually on Linux – absolutely simple.

On Arch can be installed using the pacman:


$ sudo pacman -S atom



You can install a plugin with Atom UI from the Edit > Preferences > Packages, or from a console with the  atm install command:


$ apm install --help

Usage: apm install [<package_name>...]
       apm install <package_name>@<package_version>
       apm install <git_remote>



Will highlight the selected variable or function name in a whole code.



$ apm install highlight-selected
Installing highlight-selected to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓


Restart Atom and check:


Will add an icon near each file depending on its language.



$ apm install file-icons
Installing file-icons to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓



Out from the box Atom is able to open recent for projects only.

open-recent adds the facility to open last directories/files as well:


$ apm install open-recent
Installing open-recent to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓



Adds a console directly to the editor:


$ apm install platformio-ide-terminal
Installing platformio-ide-terminal to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓


Toggle it with the Ctrl+`:


Well… A liner 🙂

Will check your code and displays warnings:


$ apm install linter
Installing linter to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓


Its dependencies:


$ apm install linter-ui-default intentions busy-signal
Installing linter-ui-default to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓
Installing intentions to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓
Installing busy-signal to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓


Then for each language add its own linter.

For C/С++ etc the linter-clang can be used:


$ apm install linter-clang
Installing linter-clang to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓



For the Go lang – linter-golinter:


Add documentation, more precise autocomplete using gocode, etc:


$ apm install go-plus
Installing go-plus to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓


Optional dependencies:


$ apm install go-debug go-signature-statusbar atom-ide-ui 
Installing go-debug to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓
Installing go-signature-statusbar to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓
Installing atom-ide-ui to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓


And an example:


Displays a “map” of a currently opened file:


$ apm install Minimap
Installing Minimap to /home/setevoy/.atom/packages ✓


In general – that’s all for now.