Основной инструмент управления всеми параметрами в SUSE Linux Enterpise Edition – YaST2
Рассмотрим его применение, касающееся пользователей и групп.
Параметры вызова YaST2
из командной строки:
# yast2 [modulename] <command> [options]
Например – вывести краткую справку по модулю users
# yast2 users help YaST Configuration Module users -------------------------------- User configuration module Basic Syntax: yast2 users interactive yast2 users <command> [verbose] [options] yast2 users help yast2 users longhelp yast2 users xmlhelp yast2 users <command> help Commands: add Add new user delete Delete an existing user (home directory is not removed) edit Edit an existing user list List of available users show Show information of selected user Run 'yast2 users <command> help' for a list of available options.
Или по модулю groups
# yast2 groups help YaST Configuration Module groups --------------------------------- Group configuration module Basic Syntax: yast2 groups interactive yast2 groups <command> [verbose] [options] yast2 groups help yast2 groups longhelp yast2 groups xmlhelp yast2 groups <command> help Commands: add Add new group delete Delete an existing group edit Edit an existing group list List of available groups show Show information of selected group Run 'yast2 groups <command> help' for a list of available options.
Можно получить более подробную информацию по каждой команде:
# yast2 users add help YaST Configuration Module users -------------------------------- Command 'add' Add new user Options: username [string] Login name of the user uid [string] UID of the user cn [string] Full name of the user password [string] Password of the user home [string] Home directory of the user no_home Do not create home directory for new user shell [string] Login shell of the user gid [string] GID of user's default group grouplist [string] List of groups of which the user is a member (separated by commas) type [string] Type of the user (local, system, nis, ldap) ldap_password [string] Password for LDAP server help Print the help for this command verbose Show progress information
Теперь, воспользовавшись этими подсказками создадим группу testgroup
# yast2 groups add groupname="testgroup" verbose Ready Initializing Finishing Done
Группа создана, но в ней нет пользователей. Добавим пользователя в систему и назначим ему созданную группу, а так же сразу добавим его в существующую группу trusted
Узнаём GID
созданной группы:
# cat /etc/group | grep testgroup | cut -d":" -f 3 1001
Создаём пользователя user1
, добавляем его в группу testgroup
и задаём пароль password
# yast2 users add username="user1" password="password" gid="1001" grouplist="trusted" verbose Ready Initializing Finishing Done
# ls -l /home/ | grep user1 drwxr-xr-x 8 user1 testgroup 584 Nov 2 11:33 user1
# cat /etc/shadow | grep user1 user1:$2a$05$dIKpQPK2itG3nafC47MuoeOtGoPi4WI8FimoLEliUSBZfCrXk7AhO:16011:0:99999:7:::
# su -l user1 user1@sles:~>
Если потребуется отредактировать пользователя, например изменить пароль – можно воспользоваться стандартной для Linux/FreeBSD утилитой passwd
# passwd user1 Changing password for user1. New Password: Bad password: it is based on a dictionary word Reenter New Password: Password changed.
Или опять использовать YaST2
# yast2 users edit help YaST Configuration Module users -------------------------------- Command 'edit' Edit an existing user Options: username [string] Login name of the user uid [string] UID of the user cn [string] Full name of the user password [string] Password of the user home [string] Home directory of the user shell [string] Login shell of the user gid [string] GID of user's default group grouplist [string] List of groups of which the user is a member (separated by commas) new_username [string] New login name of the user new_uid [string] New UID of the user type [string] Type of the user (local, system, nis, ldap) ldap_password [string] Password for LDAP server help Print the help for this command verbose Show progress information
# yast2 users edit username="user1" password="newpassword" verbose Ready Initializing Finishing Done
Так же, можно воспользоваться псевдо-графической оболочкой для YaST2
# yast2