Arch Linux: cups и hplip — подключение принтера

Автор: | 08/12/2017

Установка cups

Устанавливаем cups:

$ sudo pacman -S cups

Запускаем и добавляем в автозапуск:


$ systemctl start org.cups.cupsd.service
$ systemctl enable org.cups.cupsd.service


Проверяем — переходим на страницу http://localhost:631:

Файл настроек — /etc/cups/cups-files.conf.

Добавляем группу:


$ sudo groupadd printadmin


Пользователя в неё:


$ sudo usermod -a -G printadmin $USER


Обновляем /etc/cups/cups-files.conf, меняем группу sys на printadmin:

# Administrator user group, used to match @SYSTEM in cupsd.conf policy rules...
# This cannot contain the Group value for security reasons...
SystemGroup printadmin root

Перезапускаем сервис:


$ systemctl restart org.cups.cupsd


Доступные в cups бекенды для подключения принтера:


$ ls -1 /usr/lib/cups/backend/


Все утилиты cupsтут>>>.

Поиск принтера в сети

Используем avahi.

Запускаем сервис:


$ systemctl start avahi-daemon.service
$ systemctl enable avahi-daemon.service


У нас принтер HP P1606dn, ищем:


$ avahi-browse -a | grep Printer
+ enp0s25 IPv6 PRINT-KONICA Black @ CIKN3G8WNL    Secure Internet Printer local
+ enp0s25 IPv4 PRINT-KONICA Black @ CIKN3G8WNL    Secure Internet Printer local
+ enp0s25 IPv6 HP LaserJet Professional P1606dn   UNIX Printer         local
+ enp0s25 IPv4 HP LaserJet Professional P1606dn   UNIX Printer         local
+ enp0s25 IPv6 HP LaserJet Professional P1606dn   Internet Printer     local


Находим его DNS имя:


$ lpinfo -l -v
Device: uri = ipp://CIKPRINTER.local:631/printers/Laserjet
        class = network
        info = Hewlett-Packard HP LaserJet Professional P1606dn (driverless)
        make-and-model = Hewlett-Packard HP LaserJet Professional P1606dn
        device-id = MFG:Hewlett-Packard;MDL:HP LaserJet Professional P1606dn;CMD:PCLM,AppleRaster,URF;
        location =


Резолвим его в IP:


$ avahi-resolve —name CIKPRINTER.local


Теперь — можно его подключить через веб-интерфейс cups, или использовать hplib. С cups у меня не получилось — не нашёлся ppd файл, а вот с htplib — заработало (правда — тоже не с первого раза).

Установка принтера с hplip

Устанавливаем hplip:


$ sudo pacman -S hplip


Устанавливаем принтер:


$ sudo hp-setup -i
  Num       Connection  Description
  --------  ----------  ----------------------------------------------------------
  0*        usb         Universal Serial Bus (USB)                                
  1         net         Network/Ethernet/Wireless (direct connection or JetDirect)
  2         par         Parallel Port (LPT:)                                      

Enter number 0...2 for connection type (q=quit, enter=usb*) ? 1

Using connection type: net

Setting up device: hp:/net/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P1606dn?ip=
  Option      Description                                       
  ----------  --------------------------------------------------
  d           Download plug-in from HP (recommended)            
  p           Specify a path to the plug-in (advanced)          
  q           Quit hp-plugin (skip installation)                

Enter option (d=download*, p=specify path, q=quit) ? d
Receiving digital keys: /usr/bin/gpg --homedir /root/.hplip/.gnupg --no-permission-warning --keyserver --recv-keys 0x4ABA2F66DBD5A95894910E0673D770CDA59047B9
error: Unable to recieve key from keyserver
Do you still want to install the plug-in? (y=yes, n=no*, q=quit) ? y
Please enter a name for this print queue (m=use model name:'HP_LaserJet_Professional_P1606dn'*, q=quit) ?m
Using queue name: HP_LaserJet_Professional_P1606dn
Locating PPD file... Please wait.

Found PPD file: drv:///hp/hpcups.drv/hp-laserjet_professional_p1606dn.ppd

Note: The model number may vary slightly from the actual model number on the device.

Does this PPD file appear to be the correct one (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y
Enter a location description for this printer (q=quit) ?
Enter additonal information or notes for this printer (q=quit) ?

Adding print queue to CUPS:
Device URI: hp:/net/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P1606dn?ip=
Queue name: HP_LaserJet_Professional_P1606dn
PPD file: drv:///hp/hpcups.drv/hp-laserjet_professional_p1606dn.ppd
Would you like to print a test page (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y

Created directory: /var/net-snmp
Created directory: /var/net-snmp/mib_indexes
Printing test page to printer HP_LaserJet_Professional_P1606dn...
Test page has been sent to printer.



Но печать не идёт — «Filter failed«:

Проверяем лог /var/log/cups/error_log:

D [08/Dec/2017:11:49:50 +0200] [Job 4] Start rendering…
D [08/Dec/2017:11:49:50 +0200] [Job 4] Set job-printer-state-message to «Start rendering…», current level=INFO
D [08/Dec/2017:11:49:50 +0200] [Job 4] Processing page 1…
D [08/Dec/2017:11:49:50 +0200] [Job 4] Set job-printer-state-message to «Processing page 1…», current level=INFO
D [08/Dec/2017:11:49:50 +0200] [Job 4] STATE: +connecting-to-device
D [08/Dec/2017:11:49:50 +0200] [Job 4] STATE: +hplip.plugin-error
D [08/Dec/2017:11:49:50 +0200] [Job 4] prnt/hpcups/HPCupsFilter.cpp 486: m_Job initialization failed with error = 48
D [08/Dec/2017:11:49:50 +0200] [Job 4] *** Error in `HP_LaserJet_Professional_P1606dn\’: free(): invalid pointer: 0x000055c586612c44 ***
D [08/Dec/2017:11:49:50 +0200] [Job 4] STATE: -connecting-to-device
D [08/Dec/2017:11:49:50 +0200] [Job 4] STATE: -media-empty-error,media-jam-error,hplip.plugin-error,cover-open-error,toner-empty-error,other

И в journalctl:

Dec 08 12:21:22 setevoy-arch-work hpcups[9375]: common/utils.c 69: unable to open /var/lib/hp/hplip.state: No such file or directory
Dec 08 12:21:22 setevoy-arch-work hpcups[9375]: common/utils.c 119: validate_plugin_version() Failed to get Plugin version from [/var/lib/hp/hplip.state]
Dec 08 12:21:22 setevoy-arch-work systemd[1]: Started Process Core Dump (PID 9380/UID 0).
Dec 08 12:21:22 setevoy-arch-work hpcups[9375]: common/utils.c 157: Plugin version is not matching
Dec 08 12:21:22 setevoy-arch-work hpcups[9375]: prnt/hpcups/HPCupsFilter.cpp 486: m_Job initialization failed with error = 48
Dec 08 12:21:22 setevoy-arch-work hpcups[9375]: common/utils.c 220: Invalid Library hanlder pLibHandler = NULL.
Dec 08 12:21:23 setevoy-arch-work systemd-coredump[9381]: Process 9375 (hpcups) of user 2 dumped core.

Печаль 🙁

Dec 08 12:21:22 setevoy-arch-work hpcups[9375]: common/utils.c 157: Plugin version is not matching

А это что?

Устанавливаем плагин:


$ yaourt -S hplip-plugin


Запускаем ещё раз печать, и — вуаля:
