Azure: Verify that the certificate is valid and is associated with this subscription.

Автор: | 14/11/2016

azure_logoПосле azure login – следующая команда возвращает ошибку:

$ azure site list      
info:    Executing command site list
+ Getting locations                                                            
error:   The server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the certificate is valid and is associated with this subscription.
info:    Error information has been recorded to /home/setevoy/.azure/azure.err
error:   site list command failed

Ошибка вызвана тем, что Azure CLI работает в режиме ASM (Azure Service Management mode), а не ARM (Azure Resource Manager mode).


$ azure config list
info:    Executing command config list
info:    Getting config settings
data:    Setting  Value
data:    -------  -----
data:    mode     asm  
info:    config list command OK


$ azure config mode arm
info:    Executing command config mode
info:    New mode is arm
info:    config mode command OK


$ azure site list
error:   'site' is not an azure command. See 'azure help'.

Другое дело.


$ azure --help | grep webapp
help:      webapp                                Commands to manage your Azure webapps


$ azure webapp list -g europe-jm
info:    Executing command webapp list
+ Listing webapps
data:    Name                            Status   Location     SKU       URL
data:    ------------------------------  -------  -----------  --------  ------------------------------------------------------------
data:    barrelmeister-fe-dev            Running  West Europe  Premium,
data:    jgr-geo-ip                      Running  West Europe  Premium
