AWS: Elastic IP – The maximum number of addresses has been reached.

Автор: | 24/08/2016

aws-logo-square-02Сразу после запуска создания стека с использованием шаблона из поста AWS: CloudFormation – создание шаблона для VPC, EC2, NAT и Internet Gateway – он падает с ошибкой:

“The maximum number of addresses has been reached.”

Проверяем лог:

$ aws cloudformation describe-stack-events --stack-name WithInclude --query '[StackEvents[*].{Status:ResourceStatus,ResourceType:ResourceType,Result:ResourceStatusReason}]' | grep -A 2 FAIL
            "Status": "CREATE_FAILED", 
            "ResourceType": "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack", 
            "Result": "The following resource(s) failed to create: [PubNetIGW, NatEIP, CfnUser, VPC, SwarmMaster0EIP]. "
            "Status": "CREATE_FAILED", 
            "ResourceType": "AWS::EC2::VPC", 
            "Result": "Resource creation cancelled"
            "Status": "CREATE_FAILED", 
            "ResourceType": "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway", 
            "Result": "Resource creation cancelled"
            "Status": "CREATE_FAILED", 
            "ResourceType": "AWS::IAM::User", 
            "Result": "Resource creation cancelled"
            "Status": "CREATE_FAILED", 
            "ResourceType": "AWS::EC2::EIP", 
            "Result": "The maximum number of addresses has been reached."
            "Status": "CREATE_FAILED", 
            "ResourceType": "AWS::EC2::EIP", 
            "Result": "The maximum number of addresses has been reached."

Для изменения лимитов – можно создать Support Case (запрос в тех. поддержку Amazon) по этой>>> ссылке:


Буквально через несколько часов – пришёл ответ:


It’s Zaahid here, thank you for contacting AWS Accounts and Billing Support.

I’m happy to inform you that I’ve approved and processed your VPC Elastic IP Address limit increase request for the EU (Ireland) region, and your new limit is 10. I’ve advocated on your behalf to our limits service team for an extra 5 for your future use. I can also confirm that your current EC2 instance limit for the EU (Ireland) region is 20. These limits are available and can be used immediately.

I hope this information helps, have an awesome day further.

Best regards,

Zaahid C.
Amazon Web Services

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